Our Beliefs

We believe in God as He has revealed Himself to all mankind in His Word, the Bible. We believe in the Triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is the Almighty Creator of all things. He has “made from one blood every nation of men … so that they should seek Him.” (Acts 17:26,27)

We believe the Bible to be God’s Word to all of mankind. It not only “contains” the Word of God, but “is” the Word of God, the only source of revealed truth about God.

This Word teaches the truth about mankind – our weaknesses and sins, and our need for God’s salvation. This Word clearly reveals the astonishing love of God for all people, describing what Jesus has done for us, that we might have forgiveness, life, and salvation. All issues of faith and life are determined by this Word of God. “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him might not perish, but have everlasting life.” (Jn. 3:16)

Jesus is “Living Water,” like a stream in the wilderness, creating and sustaining spiritual life! “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” (Rom. 3:23) Jesus is “the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world.” (Jn. 1:29)

That all people might come to this faith and salvation, God has created His church, and given it the gifts of His Word, Holy Baptism, and the Sacrament of Christ’s body and blood. Through these means God’s Spirit works in our hearts and minds, creating and nurturing faith and new life within us.

Filled with the joy and peace of knowing God’s love, His children seek to live to His glory. God Himself empowers and enables us to live in love and service to others. This newness of life is God’s will for every human being. “God wills all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” [1 Tim. 2:4]

We invite you to join us in the privilege of being His children. Join us in praising Him for His gifts, and living a noble and beautiful life, to the praise of His glorious love and grace!

We are a member of The Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod.